Energy Healing Sessions

Through techniques like guided visualization, sound & touch, Rickie intuitively channels light to help you release emotional blocks + upgrade your energy field.

Live With More Power, Peace & Purpose

Advocating for change in a culture that feeds on drama & hate requires extra assistance. Working with the Munay-Ki Rites gives you energetic transmissions + spiritual tools to help regulate your body, emotions & energy field.

The Munay-Ki Rites capture the essence of spiritual initiation practices of the Andes & Amazon, while respecting the privacy of Indigenous traditions. They upgrade your luminous energy field which enables you to maintain a connection with the vital forces of nature and access your inner wisdom.

  • The Violet Flame

    The Healer’s Rite

  • Holy Fire® Reiki

    The Bands of Power

  • The Munay-Ki Rites

    Energetic transmissions + spiritual practices to improve personal resilience, communication, and emotional regulation.

  • Akashic Records

    The Seer’s Rite

Become a Clear Channel of Love as Sacred Activism

The Munay-Ki Rites prepare you to embody the ways of earth stewardship. Honor the ever-present exchange of energy between humans & nature while working together for the common good.

Step into a way of life that values giving before receiving, and enter into right relationship within yourself through clear thinking, pure loving, and right action.

Learn to trust your inner wisdom & receive guidance from the energetic realms beyond your current perception.

Freedom from the pain of your personal & humanity’s collective past.

The Munay-Ki Rites are inspired by healing initiations in the Andes & Amazon. They are designed to help those with colonial ancestry heal karmic energy and reconnect with the earth, while protecting the privacy of Indigenous spiritual traditions.

  • The Munay-Ki Rites are 10 energetic transmissions inspired by the initiation process of the Q’ero Paqos of Peru. Once reserved for the remaining descendants of the Inka, they were brought to non-descendants by Dr. Alberto Villoldo with permission from his mentor, don Manuel Quispe. His work as a medical anthropologist with the high shamans of the Amazon & Andes made their wisdom available to practitioners from any background, while avoiding cultural appropriation.

    In the Quechua language, “munay” means “universal love.” “Ki” is from the Japanese word for energy. Together, these words mean “energy of love.” You’ll open your heart center by shedding the ego defenses of your past, and learn to embody the qualities of a healer so that you can become a source of comfort for your community.

  • You are more than just your physical body. We are made of a comprehensive energy system which is connected to all life in the universe through seen and unseen forces. Your light body is your “invisible” blueprint which informs all layers of your being: physical, emotional, and mental. As your light body is upgraded, you strengthen your ability to heal, expand your perception, and live with an open heart.

    These Rites were first given to ancient teachers by angelic beings and are passed on from teacher to student in the form of seeds, a Q’ero metaphor. Once these seeds are gifted to you by another, it is up to you to grow them into fruit-bearing trees. You learn to feed these seeds through ceremony, acts of love, and service to your community.

  • We live in a time of rapid change, which is causing chaos on the planet. The Inka prophesied a return of the Patchacuti, which happens about every 500 years. Dimensions open in order to help humanity advance, but we can expect pesky energetic interferences in this process. The Rites help sensitive people heal rapidly, and connect to a lineage of healers past/future.

    These rites are not only stages of initiation, but possible steps for the evolution of humanity. As our ability to destroy the world increases, we are called to step up to the task of taking better care of ourselves and the earth. They heal the genetic and karmic inheritance we are born with and upgrade the luminous energy field.

  • Sessions begin with exercises that explain and attune you to the energy of the Rite. You’ll close your eyes and receive the Rite in silence. Then, you will be guided with music, meditation, and journaling to discover how you will integrate the energy of the Rite into your life. Descriptions of each Rite are available below.

    The first acts like a Reiki attunement, opening your hands to your own healing. Then you will receive forms of spiritual protection which enable you to walk with fearlessness & grace. Spiritual archetypes are then installed in your energy system to guide you as you deepen your relationship with the lineage of medicine people you are now connected with in spirit.

  • Item description


  • The Munay-Ki Rites are available to people of any heritage or spiritual background. You don’t have to be an energy practitioner to benefit, but they can enhance your healing practice. Hairdressers, teachers, doctors, therapists, creatives, first responders, etc. are all welcome.

  • While the Rites are based on healing traditions in the Andes & Amazon, they do not make you a shaman, or traditional healer. They help anyone, regardless of their job title or role, live a more fulfilling life of service to their communities. If you would like to become an energy medicine practitioner with the intention of working with clients in that capacity, you will need additional training.

  • How you care for the Rites determines your outcome. The tools, transmissions, and archetypes you are introduced to during our sessions will stay with you as long as you work with them. If for any reason you decide to stop working with them, they will dissipate on their own. By choosing to work with the spirit realms in this capacity, you maintain full autonomy and free will. You enter a collaborative relationship with lineages of medicine people of the past/future and helpful guides who will gently assist you.

Let’s Work Together

Schedule a 60 minute guided energy healing (1 Rite per session) for $85 at Salt Of The Earth Hair Studio in Warren, RI. Please type “Munay-Ki” in the booking notes so Rickie can prepare for your visit.